Let's be real. For a lot of us, getting our belly massage sounds a lot more uncomfortable than relaxing. We hold a lot of feelings about and within our bellies and often feel the need to keep them covered of hidden away. For some of us, the idea of exposing of having someone touch our belly feels wildly uncomfortable. I totally get it. Last Summer, I moved past that uncomfortability and took an abdominal massage class. Let me tell you, I am not sure I ever want a massage without my abdominal region included again. It was by far one of the most relaxing and healing experiences despite my initial trepidation.
What was unexpected in both the giving and receiving of belly massage was how sacred this work feels. It's slow reverent techniques combined with the connection of breath and our solar plexus energy was gentle yet powerful. I could go on for days about all the benefits to both the digestive pathologies and muscles themselves as well as breathing support, and body positivity that can come from massage work in this area.
Sacred belly massage is for you if
You have any digestive issues
You are feeling over stressed, burned-out, or anxious
You have discomfort in your low back, abdominal muscles, or are experiencing menstrual cramping
Are feeling disconnected and uncentered
The best way to try belly massage:
Incorporating belly massage into your massage session for just a few moments is a great way to see how it feels for you. Just let us know you would like to try it during your consultation and we can modify your treatment to include it.
If you absolutely love the idea of belly massage consider booking our Sacred Belly Massage add on.
This 10 Minute Massage add on is just $15.00 and includes:
~A warm ginger compress
~ A luxurious botanical belly balm
~ Your choice of aromatherapy for the abdomen.
Would you like to try a sacred belly massage?
